콘서트홀 좌석배치도
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“It is fair to say that Tongyeong Concert Hall can compare to other world-renowned venues thanks to its acoustics. If a recording needs high quality sound, we usually work in specific venues across Europe. However, since our experience at Tongyeong Concert Hall, we have cut back on working with those venues. Here, we do not need to add any artificial sound effects to create resonance and the venue delivers outstanding high-resolution recordings thanks to its excellent acoustics.”
Jin Choi, Tonmeister (2019)
With its exposed location right above the ocean and its extravagant roof, Tongyeong Concert Hall, a classic shoe box construction made of fine wood with excellent acoustics, somehow reminds you of Jean Nouvel's KKL in Lucerne, Switzerland. There is only one point where the comparison with Salzburg is spot on: the locals are not part of the daily audience. Artists and listeners come for the concerts from Seoul, Tokyo, Hong Kong or overseas.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Das Konzerthaus, ein klassischer Schuhkartonbau aus edlem Holz mit ausgezeichneter Akustik, wirkt mit seiner exponierten Lage am Wasser und der extravaganten Dachkonstruktion eher wie eine Kopie des Konzertsaals von Jean Nouvel in Luzern. Nur in einem Punkt passt der Vergleich mit Salzburg punktgenau: Die Einheimischen gehören nicht zur Laufkundschaft. Für die Konzerte reisen Künstler wie Zuhörer eigens an, aus Seoul, Tokio, Hongkong oder aus Übersee.
(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)
"I think Tongyeong Concert Hall is one of the best halls in Korea and has the best sound. The acoustics are just right, and the size of the concert hall is also appropriate, so it is expected to be great for recital."
Seong-Jin Cho, Pianist (2017)
"The sound of the Tongyeong International Concert Hall was excellent, so it was easy to sing."
Sumi Hwang, Soprano (2018)
"I think Tongyeong Concert Hall provides a great deal of satisfaction- the right amount of sound latency perceived at the conductor's podium, which is delivered from musicians of a large orchestra and also from the sound reflected off the auditorium, allows you to fully concentrate, and it is perfect for artistic expression”
Shi-Yeon Sung, Conductor (2017)"
“Me and my colleague in Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin have a very fond and vivid memory of Tongyeong Concert Hall. Last week at the Berlin Festwochen, we brought back the memory of the Hall’s outstanding acoustics… and of course the beautiful ocean view dressing rooms.”
Sunhae Im, Soprano (2017)
“An artist who plays in Tongyeong Concert hall might feel very relaxed thanks to the venue’s great acoustics and ambiente. It is hard to find a venue which gives an impact on the artist´s inspiration, but Tongyeong does. My collegues, Nils Monkemeyer and Svetlin Roussev, have the same impression of this great venue.”
Hongcheon Yoon, Pianist (2019)